Change Strategies by Sankofa

Update July 15th 2014
Sample of Assignment #2
TOOL KIT : The Value of Music – Testing values and beliefs
Source: Core Principles, Youth Work Manual; Curriculum Dev Unit, Youth Work NI
US: Name of group members
OUR STORY: We used this…. And found it effective in…..
Title: The Value of Music
Size of group - 4-12 if there are more than 12 in the group it might be more effective to break the session into two
Core Principle - Testing and exploring values and beliefs
Purpose - To explore values that are important to participants
Duration - Up to 2 hrs depending on the size of the group
Materials - CD player - music the young people bring along
Instructions - Preparation:
Each participant should choose a piece of music and bring it with them to the session. They are asked to draw an image or write down a few words, as to why they chose that song, why it is important and how it influences them:
1. Invite each participant, one by one, to introduce their piece of music through their drawings or words they have prepared before playing it. It is not necessary to hear each complete song – a participant might only want to play the ‘important bit’ and this is also ok.
2. Ask all other participants to write down a few words or draw an image about their thoughts whilst each song is playing. It could be about their impressions of the song, what it means to them, how it affects them or why they see the importance of the song to the person who chose it.
3. At the end of each song ask other participants for their thoughts.
4. Go through the same process with each person until the end.
5. Thank the group and then begin the debriefing.
Handouts - None
Suggestions for the debriefing - In the group consider the following questions:
• What were the common themes for participants?
• Why are these themes important to us?
• What kind of music was played?
• In what ways does music affect us and how does it influence us and our behaviour?
• What does the choice of songs tell the rest of the group about us?
• What values or beliefs can we connect with each piece of music?
• Why are those values or beliefs important to us?
Tips for the facilitator - The songs chosen and connecting issues may be sensitive to participants so it is important to be aware of this and to take care to ensure that participants are ‘cared for’ if they are talking about an issue that triggers, for example, a difficult event in their life. It is also vital that when other participants are offering their thoughts on the music it does not turn into a ‘slagging session’, e.g., ‘I don’t like that band’ or ‘that song’s rubbish’, etc.
Updated June 25th 2014
· Keeping a Journal and making weekly entries
· 1 report (1.5 single-spaced pages) on how you are integrating understanding of 40 assets into your work DUE JUNE 26
(1 Page) and How you can promote positive identity development in youth (0.5 pages) -Month 1
· Group (3-4 YOWs) project – tool for youth workers ‘ toolkit - Month 3 DUE JULY 25
Assignments can be handed in at sessions, or email to kjacobs@sankofachange.org
THE 3-2-1 Journal
Each week, each YOW has to make one entry reflecting on:
· 3 things I did this week to make a difference and/or effect change
· 2 gaps I saw or things I want to learn/change
· 1 learning
The journals are personal and will not be reviewed by anyone other than the author.
However, each session’s closing exercise will consist of having a few participants volunteer to share an entry from their journal.
To receive a certificate of participation, participants will have to (1) Attend all 3 sessions
(2) Submit the two assignments (3) Receive a pass grade on the assignment